Well done Paul. Keep the bastards honest.

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It seems most countries like Canada, the U.S., and I believe England and the like, when recording infections or deaths within the categories of vaccinated or not vaccinated, are considered as not being vaccinated unless infection or death happened two weeks after injection--which includes boosters. Can you find this 7 days data specifically for New Zealand and give me link?

I get much of my information from The Last American Vagabond, know them?

Btw, not only does the Gobal Predator Fox guard the Hen House, it built, operates and owns it, aka, The Farm, see Stefan Molyneux, "To see the Farm is to leave it". Know this Voluntaryist video: “The Story of Your Enslavement”? https://tinyurl.com/56r9b3x3

Keep safe and free.

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It seems most countries like Canada, the U.S., and I believe England and the like, when recording infections or deaths within the categories of vaccinated or not vaccinated, are considered as not being vaccinated unless infection or death happened two weeks after injection--which includes boosters. Can you find this 7 days data specifically for New Zealand and give me link?

I get much of my information from The Last American Vagabond, know them?

Btw, not only does the Gobal Predator Fox guard the Hen House, it built, operates and owns it, aka, The Farm, see Stefan Molyneux, "To see the Farm is to leave it". Know this Voluntaryist video: “The Story of Your Enslavement”? https://tinyurl.com/56r9b3x3

Keep safe and free.

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Just found you, thank you for your deep drilling effort, much needed here in government controlled Mainsewer Media, not to mention government controlled data bases. Have not viewed much of you yet, but I assume but have not checked, NZ government like all others, does not classify vaxxed as vaxxed until second week following injection? Do you know about this? Keep up your good work.

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Yes it's 7 days, but that's from diagnosis/+test. Which means if you get covid or a side effect 5 days after a jab, go to hospital for it 2 weeks later, languor in hospital for another 3 weeks before kicking the bucket- you will be recorded as unvaxxed. The fox is guarding the hen house!

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Would you have 2020 data as shills might say hospital delays causing delayed diagnosis to 2021

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The shills will say that regardless of the data. 2020 data should be due out soon. I don't think the data sent to me was intended to be published for another year or more but because they referenced it in their own study, it has obviously been collated and they must release it when asked.

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Anaphylaxis (case defined by Brighton Collaboration) was written down between medsafe report 42-43 by 261 (387 <--> 126) Mar <--> Apr 2022

Brighton published case defintion v2 in Oct 2022


BC partnered with CEPI and is interlocked with CDC/WHO and others in a few of number circular conflict where stakeholders, shareholders, manufacturers, producers, governance, regulators of the products are the same names determining which AESI's are and are not related to the product lines.

If BC (CDC) determine that (product) is not causal or associated to AEFI/AESI including death, WHO declares it down the chain directly to domestic and jurisdictional authorities and regulators that the product is not a factor or the factor.

Myocarditis the single officially acknowledged AESI to the Pfizer branded product signals the conflicts woven into the deception which presents as gas-lighting and propaganda used against the public since late 2020 and ongoing.

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